To my surprise, my wonderful husband called me this afternoon to inform me that we have received updated medical reports and PICTURES of our sweet baby boy. Although from the looks of these pictures, he looks like he is full of spice. I can't wait to see what he has in store for us.
We do know that he was recently in the hospital, but has been released. They report that he is eating noodles, porridge, rice powder, beef powder, bone soup, and eggs.
He weighs 24.2 pounds--.8 pound down from the 25 lbs that were reported in January--probably due to being in the hospital.
He is described as happy and has been playing or interacting with the other children. He is a very happy boy. The other children like him very much and always play games with him.
What a fabulous way to start the weekend.
He is one handsome boy. Glad he's out of the hospital. I remember our visits to the hospital in Chonqing. What an adventure that was. So what was he in there for?